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Chapter 17 - Applying The Tests With Careful Discrimination
While we have made some very general positive identifications which refer to complete religious systems and churches, we do need to exercise careful discrimination when dealing with individual members of those churches.
It is, after all, individuals who must bear the responsibility and the consequences, for their own personal decision to identify themselves with the Christ they choose to follow.
It is individuals who comprise the lost, whom Jesus came to seek and to save.
We must therefore avoid the terrible mistake of applying the label "Antichrist" to anyone, on the sole ground that they attend a particular church.
There are, I am certain, many individuals in these church systems, who do not deserve the label "Antichrist".
Any who do not bear the identifying marks of Antichrist, may indeed bear the marks of the real Christ.
These will be, unquestionably, our brothers and sisters.
Between us and them, there must be that love by which, Jesus says, all men will know that we are His disciples.
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