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Chapter 16 - Applying The Tests In Love
We have used strong language in making these very positive identifications.
However, it is the language of love.
There must be no bitterness or hatred in our hearts, for those we identify.
There must be no persecution of those we identify.
If they choose to regard us as enemies, they must be treated as the real Christ taught us to do, in the Sermon on the Mount. We must love them, bless them, pray for them and do good to them. We must not attempt to resist evil by striking back. We must overcome evil only by doing good.
We must be prepared to carry our own cross, with Jesus, for them, laying down our lives for them, if necessary, to show them the love which never fails, even under the worst oppression that carnal men can devise.
Only by this can we be seen as children of the only true God. Only by loving in this way can we demonstrate the real difference between the Spirit of God and the spirit of Antichrist. (Matt 5:43-48 & Rom 12:17-21).
If we can show them, in us, the love of the real Christ, who died for us all while we were yet enemies of God, perhaps some of them will seek to be reconciled to God, to His Son and to us.
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