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Chapter 18 - After The Test
Applying the tests is relatively easy.
Deciding what to do with those who fail the test is not nearly so easy.
John did tell his readers to have no fellowship at all with those who failed the test. They were not to receive such men into their homes, or even give them a greeting, lest they give the impression that they condoned what the Antichrists stood for. (2 John 10).
For the first century readers, the decision had already been partly taken out of their hands. The Antichrists had left. (1 John v2 &19).
In the ecumenical church world of the 1990s, the issues have been clouded. We must learn the delicate balance between taking a clear and uncompromising stand for the truth, on one hand, and exercising care not to root up the wheat with the tares, on the other.
The following is this writer's personal guideline for deciding how to apply what John said.
I will go anywhere, any time, to any individual, or to any church, or to any synagogue, or to any pagan temple, where there are people willing to listen to the truth about Jesus as Son of God, complete and perfect man, crucified and risen Saviour, Lord now over God's creation, teacher of the way of life which pleases God, future judge of the works of all men, and King of the world to come.
I will go out of my way to make peace with all men, but not at the cost of remaining silent or compromising about things which I believe are vital to salvation.
I will not speak to contend, to debate or to destroy, but will seek only to glorify Jesus; to convince men of their need for Him as THE WAY to God; to make disciples who will love Him and obey Him.
When I do speak, I will prayerfully seek to find God's words for the occasion, His wisdom, His compassion and His healing power for the needs of those who hear.
I will accept fellowship and friendship wherever it is offered by any who claim to serve the real Christ ...... but not at the cost of pretending that salvation can be obtained without a transformed mind and heart; that Jesus can be known by those who do not obey His teaching; that faith can exist without works; or that the Holy Spirit can live within us without producing the fruit which is the visible evidence of the Spirit's presence.
I will measure the claims of all who profess to be led by the Spirit of God, by the standard of the Word of God as it is recorded in the Bible.
I will ask you to do the same for me, so that together we may come to know and experience all the fullness of the Love of God, for all eternity.
It is inevitable in this confused religious world of ours, that my best efforts to be at peace with others who call themselves Christian, will not always be enough. My love for them will not always be reciprocated. Fellowship between Christ and Antichrist is as impossible as attempting to mix light and darkness.
- For those who insist that I am not truly a Christian and cannot be saved without belief in the Nicene, Chalcedonian, Athanasian, Arian or "oneness" Christ,
- For those who have actively joined the persecutors or who condone the actions of the persecutors,
- For those who proclaim another gospel with a meaningless repentance, which does not require real obedience to the way of life taught by the real Christ,
For all such, I will reluctantly do as John tells me I must do.
I will not be able to receive them as brothers.
I will not be able to share in either fellowship or ministry, in any way which yokes me unequally with the spirit of Antichrist.
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