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Chapter 10 - Antichrist In The Prophecies Of John And Paul
The writings of the Apostle John are greatly influenced by his desire to protect the church from those first century Antichrists.
His Gospel is written to refute their false teaching on all fronts. The Jesus who was personally known to John, was both human and also the divinely begotten Son of God. His resurrection body is as real as the one which suffered on the cross. His miracles are real. His disciples prove their love for him by their obedience to his commandments. The love of disciples for one another is the test by which the world is invited to judge the reality of their claims to be disciples.
We have already seen that his epistles are written to identify the differences between the "Spirit of Antichrist" and real Christianity.
It is not surprising, therefore, that a significant part of his prophecy in the Revelation, contains information which allows the true church, in all ages, to identify the working of the same Spirit of Antichrist in their own time.
Rev. chapter 17 describes a woman who is called a "whore". This epithet is used in the Old Testament to describe the apostasy of Israel, when she turns to other gods or makes political alliances with the kings of other nations. In this New Testament prophecy the same epithet is a fitting description for an apostate church which has turned away from God in similar ways, to follow a false Christ, worship idols, and make many shameful alliances with the kings of the earth.
This same woman is described as a city, who exercises authority to rule over the kings of the earth. For more than a thousand years, Rome claimed and usurped and abused power over the kings of the "Christian" world. Even in our day, with direct power lost, Rome still exercises, by sheer weight of numbers, a less visible, but extremely powerful, political influence.
The Pope is still the single most influential political leader on earth.
The city is further identified by her geographic location, on seven mountains. There are few who have not heard of Rome as the "City of The Seven Hills".
In Rev 17:5 and also in Rev l8, the woman is called by the name, "Babylon". This name is well deserved by the Roman church, for there are many similarities between the religion of Rome and that of ancient Babylon. This is a subject in its own right and we will not attempt to cover it here. For a comprehensive study of this subject, refer to the book, "THE TWO BABYLONS", by Alexander Hislop, first published in 1916, and still in print. It contains a wealth of information which clearly identifies the Catholic church as the woman of this prophecy.
John's prophecy predicts persecution for the church and uses symbols to disguise the names of the persecutors.
Revelation chapters 12 & 13 describe two beasts, representing two kingdoms, one succeeding the other in authority to rule over the earth, both of whom persecute the saints. Other descriptive information is provided which add to the conviction that, behind the symbols, John has concealed, firstly, the pagan Roman empire and then, the "Christianised" Roman empire which replaced it.
Revelation 17:6 & 18:24 accuse "Babylon" of the murder of prophets, saints and martyrs. We have already identified Rome as the "Babylon" of John's prophecy.
History confirms Rome's role as the persecutor of God's people.
Another beast is described in Rev 13:11-18. Behind this symbol is a false religious system, which deceives its followers and has authority to force men to worship. Those who will not submit to this false religion, are slain. The beast also has a name which is identified by its number.
The power of the Roman church to compel men to worship and the abuse of that power in persecution of "heretics", has already been discussed. The name with a number also points to the church.
There have been many ingenious attempts to identify the man whose name numbers 666. However it is the Latin title, "VICARIVS FILII DEI", usurped by the Pope, which stands out above all others as significant.
The table below shows this Latin title, with the roman numeral equivalent alongside each letter.
___________________________________________________________________ V - 5 F - 0 D - 500 I - 1 I - 1 E - 0 C - 100 L - 50 I - 1 A - 0 I - 1 R - 0 I - 1 I - 1 V - 5 S - 0 ____ ___ ____ 112 53 501 ____ ___ ____ + 53 + 501 = 666! ___________________________________________________________________
The Latin translates into English as "In place of the Son of God". it is an obvious Latin equivalent for the Greek "ANTICHRIST". The POPE, has both the name and the number which confirms it!!!!
The same reference, in Rev 13:11-18, which identifies the beast by the number of its name, also says that the followers of the false religious system receive a mark in their right hand, or on their forehead, without which they cannot buy or sell.
There have indeed been many occasions in history where the Catholic church has applied "economic sanctions" against those she has called heretics. Those who stood against the corruptions of the church have often been denied the privileges of trade or the right to purchase the basic necessities of life. However this remarkable prophecy is referring to something much more significant than these obvious denials of the love of Jesus.
In the Roman church, many "spiritual goods" are sold for money. These "spiritual goods" include such things as christenings, wedding ceremonies, prayers for the dead, funeral services, indulgences and specially blessed medals etc., all of which attract a compulsory fee in return for the service provided by the church.
However, the mark we are looking for is invisible. It is nevertheless, very real. It is the sign of the cross, made with "holy" water on the hand of the priest, or on the forehead of the infant, during the Roman church's ceremonies of ordination and christening.
This mark on the hand of the priest, entitles him to sell these "spiritual" goods. The same mark, on the forehead of the christened church member, entitles him to buy. The unchristened cannot buy and the unordained cannot sell.
In 2 Thess 2,4 the Apostle Paul predicted the appearance of a mysterious "man of sin" who would usurp the place of God. This man is easily identified with the church ruler who has assumed the title "POPE", since about the year AD500.
This title is simply an anglicised version of the Latin word for "FATHER", which, Jesus himself says, we may give to no man on earth. (Matt 23:9) It belongs to God alone.
An even more blasphemous claim is found in editions of the Canon Law of the church from 1316-1612, which assign to the Pope the incredible title, "LORD GOD THE POPE". After that time, Protestant exposure resulted in the word "God" being suppressed. Nevertheless suppression of the word does not change the claim of the church that the Pope exercises the authority of God over all men.
This example is not just one isolated case. The entire history of the Papacy and the church contains a succession of similar blasphemous and self exalting claims. For those who care to search, there is a wealth of information available in books published by scholars who have made a careful study of the history of the Roman church.
The chapter in Thessalonians also refers to pretended signs and wonders, which enable this "man of Sin" to deceive many to follow a system which abandons truth and in which there is no salvation. (2 Thess 2:9-12).
It is not hard to relate this to the many "miracles" attributed by the Roman church to long dead saints, or to the "miracle" of Transubstantiation, regularly performed by priests celebrating the Mass. Nor is it difficult to see in these verses, a reference to the many other false teachings of the church through which those who believe the lies are brought under strong delusion about their true condition before God.
In 1 Timothy 4:3 Paul said that the Holy Spirit foretold the coming of men who would forbid marriage. The teaching of Jesus does have a place for celibacy (Matt 19:12). However this is another area in which the Roman church has distorted the truth. In the year AD1079 Pope Hildebrand (Boniface VII) issued a decree requiring bishops and priests to remain celibate. Men who are already married are not considered suitable for these positions in the church hierarchy.
In contrast, the teaching of the apostle Paul is quite clear that although celibacy is the calling of some, (1 Cor 7:25-35), it is NOT for bishops or deacons. The Holy Spirit's qualifications for these men include the requirement that they MUST be married, with children. Their wives and children must also be believers. Men who are not successful in managing a Christian family are not qualified to care for the church. (1 Tim 2:2,12 & Titus 2:6)
It is plain, from what Paul says, that for much of its history, the Roman church has been ruled over and led by men who do not have God's qualifications for office!
In the "charismatic" church at Corinth, there was much in need of correction. Some of the members had received another Gospel which was about another Christ, not the real one. They had received "another spirit", not the real Holy Spirit, which can only be received from the real Jesus, through faith in the real Gospel, by those who obey Him.
There were false apostles, preaching this false Christ, who made slaves of their followers. Of course, Paul was not referring specifically to the Catholic church, or making a prophecy about it. He was identifying and dealing with the problem of false charismatic experience in the Corinthian church.
However, it is true that these same marks of the false spirit at work in the Corinthian church, have also been a part of the history of the Catholic church, and are still with us today, not the least amongst those Catholics who call themselves "Charismatic", and still remain faithful to the false Christ and false Gospel of their church.
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