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Chapter 9 - Mark No 4 In History - Continuing In Sin
One of the significant marks of those first century Antichrists was that although they claimed to know Jesus, they continued in sin. The Catholic church, also, has developed a system of religion which denies completely, the meaning of the teaching and example of the real Christ. In many ways the Church directly contradicts the plain words of Jesus, leading its followers into open disobedience instead of costly submission.
Although the Catholic Church does use the words "repentance" and "obedience", they have been rendered almost completely meaningless. Catholic "obedience" is, in fact, blind and unquestioning submission to the Pope, the church and its false Christ. Individual conscience is enslaved. For centuries, Catholics were denied the freedom to read the Scriptures in the common language. Even today, those who read it, must interpret it in the light of Catholic teaching. The ordination service for priests includes an OATH, that they will never interpret the Bible in any way opposed to church tradition handed down from "the Fathers".
Listed below are some of the ways in which the church condones and even encourages disobedience to the teaching of the real Christ.
1. The doctrine of Purgatory is a false Gospel, which presumes that prayers PURCHASED from the church by the living, can somehow balance the "merits" (good works) of long dead "saints" against the sins of the the unforgiven dead, to atone for them! This iniquitous invention of the Devil, offers a deliverance from the penalty of sin, which is not based on true repentance and which is not taught anywhere in the Bible.
2. Infant baptism denies the teaching of Jesus that baptism is for believers. True baptism expresses conviction of sin and genuine repentance. It requires faith in the sacrifice of Jesus as the means by which forgiveness has become possible. All of this is manifestly impossible for infants who do not yet know what sin is and can neither believe nor repent.
3. Prayers to Mary and other long dead "saints", have their foundation in a blasphemous misconception of the love of God. In addition, these attempts to communicate with the dead are a thinly disguised form of spiritism. God calls it "abomination". (Deut 1:12)
4. The church practises idolatry, sorcery and witchcraft. These are found in the following practices which have been substituted for the reality of the Bible :-
These things are white magic, sorcery and idolatry. Those who practise them, cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. (Gal 5:19-21)
5. The church's historical role in:-
6. The church's practical application of the Sermon on the Mount is a travesty. Nothing is closer to the heart of what it means to be a child of God than the insistence of Jesus that we love our enemies, do good to them, pray for them and bless them. In the teaching and practice of the church, however, this has all been set aside.
In place of the plain words of Jesus, the church has introduced the devilish lie, which justifies war for "just causes".
In the interest of defending the church, the state which protects the church, one's own self, loved ones or possessions, it has become acceptable to do evil, praying against enemies, calling down curses from Heaven and striking back to destroy. The Christ who told Peter to put away his sword, is replaced by another who commands his disciples to fight and kill as a service to God.
This has led to many wars where Christians in opposing armies have confronted one another in fear and hatred, destroying and being destroyed. In these wars, priests follow soldiers on the battlefield, to encourage valour in battle and comfort the dying with a false hope of eternity. There have even been occasions (such as the Crusades or campaigns against "heretics") where the Pope of the day promised absolution from all sin and instant admission to heaven for those who were killed in battle while disobeying the commandment of the real Christ to love their enemies.
7. The church publicly stands opposed to divorce but privately substitutes the word "annulment" for the process by which it claims license to separate what God has joined.
8. Oaths, forbidden by the real Christ, are not only condoned, but, in some circumstances, justified, encouraged or even required. For example the ordination oath of bishops, or the vows required of priests and nuns, ignore the teaching of Jesus that all such swearing is of the Evil One.
9. The use of legal processes to obtain justice, defend rights, protect property, reputation or personal safety, or to recover what is lost, are all forbidden to disciples of the real Jesus. In the false Christian world of the Antichrist, this use of the law is permitted to the church and its members. Indeed there are too many Christian lawyers who make their careers and earn their bread by assisting other Christians to disobey.
10. Catholics may tell lies for a "just cause", which includes advancing the cause of the church, or "preserving good things for the spirit, or useful things for the body". Such lies may even be reinforced by an oath, without sin! It is also permissible to commit some lesser sin, in order to prevent a greater. For example, it is acceptable to commit theft or fornication to prevent murder.
All of this disobedience to the words of Jesus is the work of a church which claims to serve him, but, in reality, denies him before men. This is a counterfeit Christianity. It sets aside the Gospel call for repentance and obedience to the way of life revealed by the the real Son of God.
To its followers, it offers the delusion of a false hope of salvation through a form of religion which, by its deeds, denies the power of the Gospel to transform the hearts of men in a real way.
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