By Allon Maxwell

"Hear O Israel: The Lord our God is One Lord.
and you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart,
and with all your soul, and with all your might."
(Deut 6:4-5)

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Shema is a Hebrew word which means "hear". It is the first word of Deuteronomy 6:4. This verse has become a prayer called the SHEMA, which is an essential part of the daily life of Jews who practise Torah. (The laws of God described in the first five books of the OT)

The Shema is actually a creed. We may call it the "Creed of Moses". It defines God as one, and only one, and is central to Old Testament Jewish understanding of who God is. It stands in direct opposition to the Trinitarian creeds of the mainstream Churches. It is one of the major factors in Jewish rejection of  Trinitarian Christianity.

In His Good News, Jesus made it a commandment! He called it the first and greatest of all commandments! He linked it to a second commandment which enjoined the same love for neighbours as we have for ourselves. (Lev 19:17) And He said that all else in "the law and the prophets" depends on getting those two right! (Matt 22:36-40)

Jesus did NOT come to establish a new religion. He came to restore the old one -- to turn men back to the faith of their Jewish fathers - Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, AND Moses! His teaching has its foundation in promises made by His Father, to those men. His aim is to show us how to become heirs of those same promises, through turning away from our sins, (repentance), and learning the quality of FAITH in God which will motivate us to obey the two great Old Testament commandments. 

It didn't take long for men to forget the emphasis Jesus placed on that first and greatest commandment of all. Controversy arose amongst leaders who wanted to redefine the meaning of ONE God to make it THREE Gods! In the fourth century, a conference of the Church wrote a creed which imposed the doctrine of the Trinity on all members. The creed was enforced under threat of excommunication for any who dissented.

 In the 6th century the Roman Emperor Justinian, took things a step further, by introducing a law which decreed capital punishment for those who rejected the doctrine of the Trinity. 

Although execution of Unitarian believers is no longer permitted by law, the mainstream Church still  insists that Jesus must be recognised as "God-the-Son", and that no one can be saved without believing this. 

That isn't the only thing that has been changed! The Church which has changed the identity of God, has also changed His laws. This becomes obvious when we compare the Sermon On The Mount with what has been taught and practised by the majority of the Church, for most of its history. 

The Sermon On The Mount lies at the very heart of the teaching of Jesus. It is His interpretation of what it means to keep God's laws perfectly -- as He did. It sets the standard of obedience and Holiness which He says must be pursued by men of faith, who want to live and walk close to God. (Matt 5:8)

How has this been changed you ask? Read it for yourself. Men make war instead of loving enemies; Men divorce and remarry for all the reasons forbidden by Jesus; Men go to law instead of suffering themselves to be defrauded; Men defend themselves and their possessions, instead of turning the other cheek, and giving cloak as well as coat; Men lightly swear oaths, or sign contracts,  and then  look for loopholes to break their word, instead of swearing to their own hurt and not changing. See Matthew 5:17-48.

None of this is the religion of Jesus! 

If we are to become real disciples we will need to get back to that first and greatest commandment as our non-negotiable starting point. How can we ever come to grips with His other life changing commandments, if we lack the one on which all others are founded? 

The lessons presented here were written to help readers find their way back to the ONE LORD of the Shema. They reject the Trinitarian doctrine. That is not found anywhere in the Bible. Read on, prayerfully, to discover for yourself, the true Biblical relationship between God and Jesus. 

The Bible reveals Jesus as the human Son of God -- the  Jewish Messiah, prophesied in the Old Testament, and revealed  in the New Testament. The only true God is the one whom Jesus called Father.(John 17:3) And Jesus is for ever subordinate to His Father. (1 Cor 15:28)

This Jesus is LORD OF ALL. Bowing the knee to Him glorifies God. (Philipp 2:9-12He is appointed by God as the Ruler of the Age to Come -- The Saviour of all who truly love and obey Him -- and the Master Teacher who can reveal to us the holiness, which will eventually enable us to see God, and live for ever. (Heb 12:14; Luke 20:36; John 3:15 )

"This is eternal life that they know thee the only true God,
and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent."
(John 17:3)

"For us there is one God, the Father, .....
and one Lord, Jesus Christ."
(1 Cor 8:6)

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