And The
Chapter 6 - Mark No. 1 In History - The Name
For nearly 15 centuries, an unbroken succession of men has claimed the title "Vicar of Christ", leading countless millions astray after the false Christ, in whose name they claim authority.
To the end of the 4th century, the Bishops of Rome called themselves "Vicars of Peter", but at the beginning of the 5th century this came to be regarded as not enough. Gelasius, the then current Bishop of Rome, assumed the title "Vicar of Christ" and this title has been claimed by every Pope since. The supreme position of the Pope as Vicar of God and Vicar of Christ on earth, was reaffirmed by the Council of Trent (1545-1563) and was central in the Tridentine Confession of Faith, issued in 1564. To this day, all converts to the Roman church must confess submission to the Pope, as the Vicar of Christ.
"Vicar" is a Latin word which has the same meaning as the Greek word, "anti". Our English "Vicar of Christ", the equivalent Latin title used by the Pope and the New Testament Greek "Antichrist" are one and the same!!
For centuries, ever since this title was first adopted, faithful servants of the real Christ have found the Antichrist in this Papal title and in many other Bible prophecies, which they also applied to the Roman church.
What we have to say, in what follows, about the Papacy and the Roman Catholic church, may not be popular in this ecumenical age, but it should surprise no one with eyes to see and ears to hear.
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