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It is here for Christians who want to be strengthened in their Pacifist Faith
and equipped for their Non Violent Witness to a violent world.
The concept behind "Peacemakers For Jesus" was developed after some of us did Internet Searches for CHRISTIAN Pacifist materials and discovered that, although there were lots of Pacifist references, most of them had a "secular", or "political", or "greenie", or "bohemian" flavour.
The "Peace Scene" seems to comprise an uncomfortable "mixed multitude" of Catholics, Protestants, Anabaptists, Quakers, Humanists, Feminists, Political Activists etc. (and sometimes even "Draft Dodgers"and "Tax Witholders"!)
Very often, the motivation for PACIFISM seemed to be FEAR of Nuclear War, or FEAR of invasion, or FEAR of other similar unattractive events. (and ...... let's face it ...... those are no different to the usual motives for WAR!)
The popular methods chosen to promote the cause of PEACE include political action, litigation, marches and demonstrations, and even civil disobedience. (It is "unfortunate" that these activities in the cause of PEACE, sometimes seem to include a remarkable measure of verbal and physical VIOLENCE!)
Indeed, we found that Jesus was rarely mentioned. His teaching in The Sermon On The Mount was seldom promoted or discussed as the major source of PACIFIST conviction.
This resource is offered as a Christian alternative to all of those other methods.
Please, we are not saying that there are no Christians in that "mixed multitude!"
But we are convinced that Jesus was right when He predicted that this world would know NO peace, this side of His Second Coming. The Bible says clearly that this world will not know peace until it is purged of violent men ..... and the violent institutions organisations and kingdoms which they maintain!
It is therefore quite futile for Christians to work for something He said could never happen this side of The Day Of Judgement! Until that day comes PEACEMAKERS must learn to live at peace (and not necessarily survive) in a violent world.
This page exists to encourage Christian Pacifists in the "rightness" of their convictions, encourage them in the face of the inevitable perscution that will come from those who do not understand, and provide them with materials which will help them to walk in PEACE while surrounded on all sides by violence.
Our materials seek to be in the main, Bible based and sourced.
Some "historical" and informative materials are included, from sources which are not always overtly Christian. When this has been done, it is because they provide information which is useful and relevant. However, it is emphasised again, that CHRISTIAN PACIFISM is unaffected by either history or secular information.
IT WON'T WORK A Poem to make you think ! - By Harold
(You really should read this one!)
So far as we know how, we are law abiding citizens. That means that we give proper respect and true loyalty to those in authority and attempt to keep all the laws of the land in which we live, except for those RARE occasions where human laws and goals conflict with those of the Kingdom of God.
Christian Pacifism begins with the conviction that simple obedience to Jesus, is the ONLY RIGHT WAY TO GO.
It is NOT founded in FEAR of what might happen to us ......
It is founded in LOVE FOR OTHERS and a deliberate choice to do unto others ONLY what we want them to do to us.
These highest standards of love taught by Jesus, not only point to what we MUST do, but also clearly define things that we must consciously choose NEVER to do to those we love! (including even those who make themselves our enemies)
We sincerely believe that "Love thy neighbour" means that even the worst enemies should receive no less from a Christian, than a best friend! (That is what Jesus did for us when He died on the cross.)
We believe that even the worst personal losses suffered at the hands of aggressors, are far more acceptable than any personal responsibility for injury or death of enemies, or destruction of their property.
And we do accept that in the face of determined aggression, Non Violence and Non Resistance, in obedience to Jesus, may well prove to be VERY costly in personal terms.
We are prepared to suffer and to die for our conviction that this is how God wants us to live. It takes REAL courage to be a CHRISTIAN PACIFIST!
We have not joined or made an alliance with any other "PEACE" organisation.
We have not formed a new organisation that you can "join".
We do not ask for your money.
We take no political action.
We are not draft dodgers.
We are not tax witholders or tax avoiders.
We are not marchers, demonstrators or protestors.
We are not flag burners.
We are not advocates or supporters of any form of public civil disobedeience.
We do not seek publicity in the Media for our "cause". (That includes calling in the newpapers or television reporters for "interviews" to put our side of the case.)
We are not cowards! It takes REAL courage to be a CHRISTIAN PACIFIST!
Last updated 7 March 2002