18 September 1999
"Ho, every one who thirsts, come to the waters; and he who has no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price." (Isaiah 55:1 RSV) "Preach as you go, saying, 'The kingdom of heaven is at
hand.' Heal
the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons.
You received
without paying, give without pay. Take no gold, nor
silver, nor copper
in your belts, no bag for your journey, nor two tunics,
nor sandals, nor
a staff;" (Matthew 10:8-9 RSV) First, let me say clearly that in what follows, this paper is not discussing the question of TOTALLY UNSOLICITED donations received without publicity of any kind! And before anyone attempts to lay down a "smoke screen" by asking the "clever" question ..... I don't believe this subject has anything at all to do with using Proverbs 23:23 to contradict the verses quoted above! Nor am I talking about buying a Bible for personal use! The things mentioned below are what happens when people become too lazy, or apathetic, to read for themselves, the TRUTH in the Bible they own! The issue discussed here is whether or not we are obedient to a VERY specific commandment from Jesus about GIVING THE GOSPEL WITHOUT COST, Also at stake is whether or not we believe the promise
made by Jesus
in Matt 6:5-6. Do we know how to ask God alone, in the
secret place where
GOD ALONE hears? And can we be content to live, and work,
PAY, within the limits of what is provided when we pray
that way?
When Jesus sent the twelve out for their "hands on" training exercise, He gave them some very clear and simple instructions about the goal of their mission. One of the clearest and simplest of those instructions is the question of cost to the hearers. Along the way, the disciples were to expect NOTHING more than FOOD and LODGING. (and then only if it was freely offered!) What a contrast to much of what passes for "gospel preaching" in the Church of the 1990s! At every turn we are confronted with "ministries" who have something to sell! Consider carefully whether any of the following practices can TRUTHFULLY be described as "freely giving": - sale of books and tapes. (even when SOLD at cost price!) - asking up front "fees" as a condition of attendance. - soliciting "love offerings". - charging "admission" to services. - placing copyright restrictions on availability of materials. - dropping subtle "hints" about "ministry needs". Of course we are regularly offered all sorts of "spiritual" sounding "justifications" for those practices. BUT THE BOTTOM LINE IS THAT IF WE HAVE TO PAY TO GET IT ..... OR IF WE ASK ANYTHING FOR IT ..... IT ISN'T REALLY FREELY GIVEN! .... IS IT?
Perhaps the most serious personal implications for each of us are these: - If the REAL GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM can be found at no cost ..... and if we are asked to pay for what we receive ..... MAYBE WE SHOULD THINK AND PRAY REALLY HARD ABOUT WHETHER WE ARE BEING OFFERED THE REAL GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM. - If we justify selling what we claim to have from Jesus ..... MAYBE WE NEED TO THINK AND PRAY CAREFULLY ABOUT WHETHER
If we SELL any of those "spiritual goods" listed above ..... WE ARE NOT FREELY GIVING! The only licence I can find anywhere in scripture for the selling of "spiritual goods" comes from the man whose name is numbered at 666! (Rev 13:18) Allon |