
As recently as a generation ago, the church was still largely faithful to the teaching of its risen Lord on the subject of divorce. Of course, history records that there always have been ministers and churches willing to sell their souls for the influential few who could guarantee some coveted privilege or protection. However, in most circles, divorce and remarriage was regarded as a scandal, not to be tolerated amongst the faithful.

Today the situation has changed alarmingly. If one minister counsels against divorce, or refuses to remarry the divorced, it is a simple matter to shop around for another who will condone it. Sadly, it seems that the latter class now comprises the majority.

This study has been undertaken with much prayer and soul searching by one who has found it necessary to humble himself before God, in repentance for past wrong counsel given to those involved in divorce and remarriage.

It contains some hard sayings, especially for those whose ignorance (or wilfulness) has already led them into sin. For the church at large, it is unlikely to be popular. It presents a facet of sacrificial obedience which will be understood only by those who know the real meaning of taking up a cross to follow Jesus.

For those who do agree with the conclusions of this study, there is a challenge to confess Jesus before men, in this, as much as in all other aspects of the new life which results from following him.

Those who need to hear the truth can only hear it from those who know the truth and love them enough to tell them.

The goal is their salvation.

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