Chapter 12 - A Difference Between Men And Women

In the 20th century, we probably need some reference to the apparent "sexist" language used in the discussion of the meaning of fornication.

Both the Old and New Testaments carefully restrict the permission for divorce to the case of a husband divorcing his wife. Neither Moses nor Jesus allow a woman to divorce her husband on any ground at all.

It is not within the scope of this book to attempt to explain why this is so. Although a few of the reasons might be obvious, this present writer does not feel qualified to tackle the subject at this time. The plain Biblical principle is simply recognised and acknowledged, in trust that the Divine author of the book has good reasons for it.

Some might find that hard to understand or accept in this "liberated" generation. However, it is what the Bible says. We need to take it on trust that God means what He says, and intends it only for the highest good of his creation.

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